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Prepaid card programs

Loadhub provides your prepaid card program with an in-person, near real-time fund loading option. Loadhub QR codes that can be printed on a card or displayed on a mobile app.

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Prepaid Visa or Mastercard products provide a mechanism for consumers to convert their hard earned cash into a well established payment utility that is accepted almost anywhere. The ability for your customers to rapidly and instantly fund their card is essential to your success as a card program.

Bill payment and bank transfer mechanisms are too slow and will force consumers to find alternatives, reducing the overall spend on your card. Loadhub can integrate directly into your card processor allowing for near real-time card loads using cash or debit at over 6,000 Canada Post retail locations.

We will provide you with a QR code format that is specific to your program and your customer. Using this format, you can print the barcode onto your card. Alternatively for previously printed cards, the QR code can also be distributed using a mobile app.

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